Maligayang Pasko po sa inyong lahat!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
if only...
I just came from a “workshop” this AM. It wasn’t bad. I mean it didn’t take that long and the speaker was great! In fact, she was very encouraging that you yourself will have a positive outlook like... "you’re not alone" sort of thing you know. But then again, I can’t help not to feel sad. I just thought that if only “she” hadn’t been like how she was to me, I wouldn’t be in this situation.
Posted by
1:13:00 PM
Labels: rants
Monday, December 08, 2008
Tito JV was in town!
Tito JV, Papa's cousin was in town during the Thanksgiving week. So we decided to meet up for lunch at a restaurant (I forgot the name!) in Chinatown. Tita Baby Evelyn, Tito Ariel and Don and his family were also there.
Posted by
3:38:00 PM
Labels: family
instant picture
a tag from Ate Irmee...
1. take a picture of yourself right now! (the moment you read this tag)
2. don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair, just take a picture.
3. post that picture without editing.
4. post these instructions with your picture.
5. tag 10 people to do this. and don't forget to leave them a message about the tag.
Tag yourself! :)
Posted by
3:20:00 PM
Labels: tags
Christmas decor
I don't usually decorate during Christmas. Why? It's either we're not celebrating at home or no one is really visiting. But we decided to put up something for this year... nothing extravagant... and we're satisfied... I think?! :)
by the main door...
dining table centerpiece...
bedside table...
television and music player stand...
by the wall...
Posted by
2:55:00 PM
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Thanksgiving 2008
We went to Tita Laling’s house in Leominster, MA for Thanksgiving this year. It was a four-day weekend and we’re just happy to have at least relaxed… away from the busy life in NY. There wasn’t really special. We just had the usual American Feast… turkey, French dressing (Memei’s specialty stuffing), boiled veggies (green beans, carrots, summer squash, and corn kernels), mashed potato with gravy, cranberry sauce, spiral ham and fruit tart.
Tita Laling got me 2 pairs of suit which we bought at Macy*s. Sorry I didn’t take pictures of them yet.
IFC enjoyed Joe’s tonka toys and Uncle Ken’s vintage car collection.
We also went to Wachusett Mountain…
More pictures here…
Posted by
2:11:00 PM
Labels: events
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
unexpected things happen...
I only had one question! I just needed to know WHY? But I wasn’t given any reason so I was left in awe. I guess I just have to leave it at that even though I know I gave my all. I know God has better plans for me… for us. And that… this too shall pass!
Posted by
10:38:00 AM
Labels: rants
Saturday, November 08, 2008
"GC" granted!
It’s been a while since my last update on this blog. I was too busy with work and the fertility treatment that I couldn’t really find the time to blog.
Anyway, I got a phone call Friday afternoon and received the best news ever. The long wait is over! After almost 5 years of uncertainties, we finally got the approval! I am so overwhelmed with happiness that up to this writing (1208AM), I am still wide awake and hyper. I can feel my head throbbing but I just don’t feel sleepy.
We celebrated it with a dinner at Olive Garden… our favorite restaurant. The food was great as usual but “nothing could be greater than being on cloud nine”. :)
Posted by
12:29:00 AM
Labels: happy moments
Monday, October 13, 2008
almost done...
We finally finished boxing most of the gifts for our families this Christmas. The only problem is we got too excited shopping at Bjs not realizing if they’ll fit in the box or not. Hehe. Bottom line, there’ll be… either a 3rd box combined or 2nd box for both. We’ll see…
Posted by
5:16:00 PM
Labels: etc.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
A new addition to the family… well, soon!
I phoned home (Philippines) yesterday AM. It was Adoy (my brother who just got married last Sep 12th) who picked up the call. The background was very loud that I had to ask why. He said they’re watching TV… as if they’re all deaf you know! Anyway, they were waiting for Ma and Pa to come down so they can have dinner. Then he said they have spaghetti, pork belly, and fruit salad. I said… “What’s the occasion?” He was like… nothing! I even joked saying he really has a lot of money. Then he said you’re going to have another “pamangkin” (niece/nephew). I said huh?! It turned out his wife is pregnant.
Congratulations, Adoy and Lanie!
p.s. I also spoke to Mama. I told her “Congratulations, Lola (Grandma)!” as soon as she picked up the phone. She laughed. Soon after, with a sad tone in her voice, she said something like… “naunahan ka na naman”. I just told her maybe it’s not yet our time. And if ever I’ll get pregnant (which we’re really hoping to happen), IFC and I will be very thankful. If not, maybe it’s really not meant to be. In God’s time…
Posted by
3:41:00 PM
Labels: family
Saturday, October 04, 2008
The doctor asked me to start using ganirelix... another self-injecting drug. I was asked to take it with me for my appointment yesterday. The nurse gave me the 1st shot as it has to be done in the morning. This drug gives longer cramping than the gonal-f. It hurts a lot leaving a red mark for a while.
Posted by
9:19:00 AM
Labels: baby
Thursday, October 02, 2008
fertility treatment!
I’m undergoing fertility treatment right now. My doctor suggested that I do the self-injecting meds since I’ve already tried clomid for more than a year and I didn’t get pregnant. I started using gonal-f rff pen on September 19th and my visits to the doctor are becoming more frequent because of that. I also have to give blood samples every time to see how my body is reacting to the meds. They are constantly monitoring me so I somehow don’t worry and sometimes forget the possible side effects.
Yesterday, I had another visit to the doctor who told me that my estrogen level is really high. I must admit I know very little on human anatomy that I asked him if that is something I should worry about. He said… “Well, kind of”. He told me that I’m starting to produce follicles slowly. Preferably, that should be at the same level with the increase of estrogen. A high estrogen level may cause fluids in the lungs and around the abdomen area… with the patient looking pregnant when she’s really not.
I know there are risks involved so I just make sure I’m doing everything as told. Sometimes I’m already asking myself if I can still continue with this but I really want to have a baby soon. It entails a lot of time, effort and money but you got to do what you have to do.
Posted by
2:47:00 PM
Labels: baby
Friday, September 19, 2008
pics from Adoy's wedding!
Wwwaaaahhhhhh!!!!! All the more I felt sad....
more pics here...
Posted by
1:16:00 PM
Friday, September 12, 2008
Adoy's big day!
Today is my brother Adoy’s big day! I think it’ll be over soon or maybe it has ended already. Anyway, Papa sent me a text message while on our way to work… around 745 A.M. (well actually we were to stop by at a store to buy a phone card). He said “call at this number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _”. It was Mama who answered my call and she said to wait a little bit as they’re finishing up the bouquet tossing. We can’t really understand each other maybe due to the loud background. Suddenly, I heard someone said “we have a message directly from New York City” and the conversation went as follows:
Emcee : Hello!
Faye : Hi!
Emcee : Hello! Ate Faye… We’re here live from the Philippines. Everyone can hear you. What’s your message for Masson and Lanie? (pause) Hello!
Faye : (choking up) Hold on! I’m trying to contain myself! (My voice already cracking up) Now I’m crying! (Ehem!) I thought I’ll be okay?! But I wasn’t really able to sleep last night. Anyway, Adoy… Lanie… I feel really bad not being there. I’m sorry I am not there to celebrate this special day of yours. You know the reason why and there’s really nothing I could do about it. Congratulations and best wishes to both of you! They say marriage make two people as one but remember that you are still 2 different individuals. Love each other… accept each other’s differences… there will be problems along the way but I’m sure you’ll be alright… especially with the support of the family. (pause) I think that’s it!
Emcee : Ok. Thanks Ate Faye! Oh by the way, I’m a medium on a t-shirt.
Faye : O…..K….?! :)
(There were some parts of the conversation in Filipino and maybe some other parts that I can’t exactly remember anymore.)
Then I was off the air and was just talking to Adoy. I said “how’s everything?” He said “good! It’s like a variety show. Hehehe” He told me he’ll just send me a copy of the video. I didn’t anymore keep him long and hang up soon.
Oh what an awful scene I made! Haha! I was so ashamed and all the more I felt bad when I hang up the phone. Grrr! I really thought I am ok but last night… knowing the fact that they’re all busy… everybody’s there but me… I somehow started feeling so upset to the fact that I wasn’t there. Well what can I do…
Posted by
11:01:00 AM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Our company provided the lunch today in celebration of “Chuseok” (Korean Thanksgiving).
“Chuseok”, is a three-day harvest celebration demonstrating the importance of family to the Korean Society. Family members gather to prepare food and honor their ancestors. The celebration is usually done in the house of the eldest son.
Here are some of the foods we had earlier:
Posted by
3:28:00 PM
Labels: events
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Labor Day weekend
We had a 3-day weekend last week being Labor Day on 9/1. It was kind of tiring having gone to Tanger Outlets on Saturday and to the Queens Center Mall on Sunday. The “balikbayan” box is usually being picked up before October ends to make sure it gets there on or before Christmas. There are still a lot of things we need to buy though. I think we have enough time…
Posted by
10:34:00 AM
Labels: shopping
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
NY Adventures and beyond...
I have been in the US for almost 7 years now and while I constantly blog about my day to day experiences, I thought of creating another blog which will be more prĂ©cised and descriptive of how it’s really like… not only in NY but in other states too as we continue to discover what this country has to offer. See you there!
Posted by
5:11:00 PM
Labels: etc.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
driving experience...
IFC keeps on telling him that I have to learn driving and get used to it as well so I’ve been constantly practicing lately. 2 things about driving in NY… 1) there are just so many cars on the road; and 2) a lot of drivers are aggressive.
For a couple of times, he asked me if I can now drive in the highway. I said not yet. I still have to get comfortable and maybe avoid feeling tensed all the time. I drove home on Tuesday using the local road. Last night, I asked IFC if I could drive again and he said yes but he wanted me to use the highway. I asked him if he thinks I’m ready. He just said, “When are you going to try it? You would never know unless you do.” There are 2 highways that we can use…Grand Central Parkway (GCP) and Long Island Expressway (LIE). GCP has a lot of curves and bumps so IFC said I should use LIE until I get comfy. Well, I managed to get us home safe though I must admit there was a lot of traffic so I wasn’t running the state’s speed limit of 50.
Here are some lessons I learned from my driving experience so far… well for what I remember…
1) We went to Filene’s one time that when I parked, the divider line was in between the car. I had to reverse 2 or 3 times before I managed to park the car in between the 2 lines. IFC said that if I want to park somewhere on my right, I have to somehow position the car on my left so I will have room and that it won’t be skewed.
2) I was in the middle lane and someone from my right cut me to go to the left lane. I didn’t realize that right away. All I thought was he was cutting me to go to the middle lane and continue driving. I was still pressing the gas when I was supposed to be hitting the breaks. IFC (who is on the passenger side) pulled the wheel in a way that we wouldn’t also hit a car should there be one on the right lane.
3) I still have to work on my “judgment”… sometimes I go a little fast when turning; sometimes I thought I have enough space from the car in front of me that even if I don’t press the gas, the car is still running and suddenly I will realize I have to hit the breaks; or sometimes IFC tells me to avoid the holes/bumps on the road. I try but there are times that instead of avoiding it, all the more I drive on it.
4) Last night, I was unaware I went out of my lane 2 times. IFC said to always feel the wheel… that I have to constantly move it a little since the highway is not really straight.
5) The worst of all, I was driving on a two-way street with 2 lanes each. The oncoming car was partly on my lane (maybe he avoided something… I really don’t know) that instead of stepping on the breaks, I avoided it mostly taking the right lane. Thank God there was no car on my right! IFC said I definitely have to step on the breaks in that case. He said I can only do what I did if I looked into the side mirror to make sure there was no car and that I don’t have to take that much space in doing so.
Bottom line, I think I’m learning little by little… but I definitely need more time…
Posted by
11:56:00 AM
Labels: etc.
Friday, August 15, 2008
on being "impulsive"
I find it really difficult to accept the “blame” when I know I’m not the person primarily responsible for it. I hope people would learn how to think first before saying anything. Being impulsive, more often than not, can be offensive!
Posted by
1:54:00 PM
Labels: rants
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
"sari-sari" store
My parents own 2 small stores in San Andres Bukid Market which offers dry goods... flour, sugar, and salt to name a few. I was really busy with the wedding preparation that I didn’t even have the time to pay a visit when I went home for a vacation in 2005. I know my father was disappointed with that. And so, when I was there last December 2007, I dropped by one early AM and even stayed for a few minutes to take some pictures (using my cell phone). :)
Posted by
3:10:00 PM
Labels: family
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
fun! fun! fun!
Most people who actually know me would probably find it weird (just like how I feel), that I enjoy watching the Olympics. I must admit though that IFC being so into sports has been a great influence.
Posted by
6:01:00 PM
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Friday, August 08, 2008
day of the surgery...
Yesterday was the day!
As we were about to leave the apartment, I suddenly felt the need to do #2. I wasn’t sure if it’s because I was nervous or I really had to. Anyway, we were supposed to be at the Ambulatory no later than 830 AM. We arrived there at exactly 824 AM.
The paperwork at the Admitting was taking long. My doctor went out to the lobby and spoke to me… I introduced IFC as well. The nurse called me soon after. IFC and I went to the dressing room then proceeded to Exam Room 4 for preliminary testing… BP was taken, medical history was reviewed, allergies to drugs and latex, etc. etc. The anaesthesiologist came after, discussed how the surgery will go… I’ll be put to sleep (with a general anaesthesia), will breath in an oxygen tube, will have to have an endoscopy, laparoscopy, hysteroscopy, tubal lavage and some other procedures that I can’t remember the names.
Then, we walked towards the operating room (OR). I was really nervous that time. All the more I got scared when I saw about 7 people (maybe more) inside the OR not to mention all those apparatus including the lights on the ceiling that I just saw on TV before. I laid down the table. A nurse started putting patches on my chest… I guess to monitor my vitals. The anaesthesiologist on my left started putting the IV. She said I’ll feel something like a bee sting and some kind of burning on my hand. While she was doing that, she asked me what my favorite form of relaxation was. I said “beach”. She asked “where?” I said “nothing specific as long as there’s water”. She insisted so I said “let’s say the Philippines where I’m from”. She said “I’m not taking you there… you can’t relax in a place where your family is”. How about I take you to Maldives?” The nurse on my right put the oxygen mask and said “breathe normally”. Then, I looked at the ceiling, it got blurry, and the next time I know I was in the recovery room.
My doctor approached me and said that everything is normal. The left fallopian tube turned out to be open… which is in contradiction to what my doctor thought with the result of the hysterogram. He said he’ll see me in a month and probably start giving me the “injectables” as supposed to clomid. I then assumed that he just did the laparoscopy and endoscopy. He didn’t have to do the rest. I mean I don’t see the need to be dilating a tube that is open in the 1st place.
Soon, IFC was there beside me.
A nurse said I can’t be discharged unless I pee at least a 100 cc. So beside the dextrose I have, I tried drinking as much fluids as I can just so I can pee and eventually go home. The 1st try, the nurse opened the faucet (which I think has a psychological effect to help) and left me in the bathroom. I couldn’t. I mean I felt my bladder was heavy but it just wasn’t coming out. I went back inside. And while the nurse was taking off the IV, I felt I needed to go. And so I did but the container showed it was a little less than 100 cc. But thank goodness the nurse said I passed.
IFC helped me dressed up. He got the car and a nurse walked me to it.
We were still in the highway when I felt again the need to pee. We didn’t know what to do. I put my jeans under my legs in case I can’t hold it any longer. IFC said “can you still manage it till we reach Kohls? “ I said I’ll try. But I can’t anymore so he stopped by Applebee’s and I told the lady (while showing my wrist tag) that I just came out of the hospital and I really need to use the bathroom. She was nice enough to let me go.
Then, I was home.
Posted by
10:14:00 AM
Labels: baby
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
nice now, nasty later
I just don’t understand why some people are nice when they need something from you and yet the annoyance in their voice is very obvious when it’s the other way around…
Posted by
2:23:00 PM
Labels: rants
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
out-patient surgery
Remember that hysterogram I had on June?! Well it turned out that my left fallopian tube is blocked (based on the pictures from the x-ray). My doctor said he doesn’t know why so he needs to perform a laparoscopy. And for him to unblock the tube, he needs to do a hysteroscopy as well.
The doctor said it’s not really a problem since the right tube is open. The chances of getting pregnant are lower though. The thing is… if I ovulate on my bad side, then I’ll never get pregnant!
Anyway, I’m having the surgery this Thursday… must admit I’m kind of scared!
Posted by
2:59:00 PM
Labels: baby
Friday, August 01, 2008
feeling cold in a hot weather?!
My desk is by the window. You’ll see the tress and even the cars passing by. I felt cold around noon today for whatever reason… I really don’t know. So to help ease that feeling, I turned on the wall heater I have near me. Yes in the middle of summer! Haha! I was planning on turning it off after a few minutes but I completely forgot. Then, 2 of my co-workers walked towards the window and one noticed it and asked... "Is that heat coming out?". I felt so embarrassed but didn’t really take it seriously. I thought that’s funny! :)
Posted by
4:57:00 PM
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Monday, July 28, 2008
Roosevelt Field Mall
Nothing really special or interesting happened over the weekend. I practiced driving as usual. I must admit I still get a little panicky whenever I encounter aggressive drivers. IFC keeps on reminding me to be alert at all times. You can never tell you know.
Anyway, we also went to Roosevelt Field Mall… didn’t buy anything though; Walmart… got some groceries and supplies; and we ate at this “restaurant” that we were so disappointed with the quality of the food and service as well. IFC wants to go to this restaurant ever since but we don’t have any branch near us. We didn’t have second thoughts upon seeing the restaurant near the mall. But I don’t think we’re going back there again ever.
Posted by
5:43:00 PM
Labels: rants
Friday, July 25, 2008
Pepe (Grandpa in French), as we used to call him, was Tita Laling’s father-in-law… a very warm-hearted and hard-working person. He was always in his “cardigan”, dressed neatly as if he had some place to go to. I can also remember how he was at the dining table… didn’t want any mess, always tidying up while eating. I guess it’s the “military background” that he had. He always talked in a gentle manner. And most importantly, he was a family man and a devout Christian.
Tita Gie has been inviting us to go to Tita Laling for the 4th of July weekend. I said no at 1st having been there just last May. Then, Tita Laling said that Tito Ken had to request an IV for Pepe as he wasn’t eating anymore and that the doctor “sort of” gave him just 2 more days to live. IFC suggested that we go as we can’t make it during the week if something happens to Pepe. And so we did. I felt so bad upon seeing his condition. He lost so much weight… imagine an 87 year old weighing only 60lbs. But he looked peaceful though. I really thought he was ready to leave… too tired and just wanted to rest.
Anyway, we had a little celebration for my birthday on July 5th. Tita Gie made some bbq, cooked pansit sotanghon and adobong kangkong. Tita Laling bought me a cake too. Weng was there with Billy so we had some fun time.
But the next morning, Pepe died. And in as much as we want to stay for the funeral, we just can’t.
To Pepe: Wherever you are, I know you’re happy and at peace. We will always include you in our prayers. You will be missed…
Posted by
3:30:00 PM
Labels: family
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Have you seen it yet?
I read the reviews online (including an “Oscar buzz” for Heath Ledger) for the movie The Dark Knight... people were raving about how great it was. IFC and I watched it last Sunday. All I can say is… I couldn’t agree more! There was no dull moment. In fact, people were clapping from time to time. The actors were great. Christian Bale has proven it once again and while I’m not really a fan of Heath’s, I think he deserves the recognition (though I read concerns of some parents on the violent role he had in the movie).
What are you waiting for then?
Posted by
8:11:00 AM
Labels: etc.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
2008 birthday greetings!
Thanks to everyone who greeted me on my birthday… email, text messages, phone calls (Tito Ariel) and in person. It was greatly appreciated.
Greetings from family and friends (in exact form):
Hope you have a good one with all the July 4 fireworks !
Tita Malu
Hi Faye,
Advanced Happy Birthday! Many happy returns. May the Lord bless you and grant your prayer by giving you the one thing that you and Irvin have been wanting for so long.
Ingat kayo palagi.
Happy 4th of July na rin sa inyong dalawa. Enjoy the rest of the day.
Best Regards,
Samuelito Castillo
Hey Girl!
Sorry wasn't able to greet you on your birthday. Had so much to do at home and at work. I hope you enjoyed your day with family and friends.
Wishing you good health, love and happiness. Cheers!
Regie, Song & LJ
Belated Happy Birthday, Sis! Blessings come your way.
happy happy bday Faye! more blessing for a kind hearted person like you.
Here are my wishes for you ...... each rose
symbolizes a special wish from me to you.
One Rose for Long Friendship
One Rose for Unconditional Love
One Rose For Financial Wealth
One for Everlasting Happiness
One for Success
One for Knowledge
One for Beauty, inner and outer
One for Family
One for Honesty
And the last one for a long and healthy life
Maligayang kaarawan Faye...nanaginip ako kanina nag ce-celebrate tayo ng birthday mo sa office..... sarap ng mga handa at marami..enjoy your birthday..
Ernie Gutierrez
Happy Birthday po !
Wishing you all the best for this day !
Keep safe !
happy and blessed birthday faye! ;-)
Happy Birthday Pipay!!! Wish you good health and beauty...
See yah!
Advance Happy Birthday, Pepay!
happy bday faye!
happy birthday!More blessings to come and wish you good health
tita baby and raphi
Dear Faye,
wishing u the best on ur birthday.. may ur life be filled with happiness, people who love u and good health.
Happy Birthday Faye!!!
Miss you na! I hope we really do meet up next time you visit!
Take care!
Wishing you true happiness, peace of mind and more blessings to come... Happy, happy birthday Faye!!! =)
Belated happy birthday Faye..sorry late na.
sup2x? ei! happy happy birthday h!
Hey Girl! Long time no hear. Happy 34th Birthday! I pray for many birthdays to come.
Also for a baby soon... para me pinsan na ang mga babies ko...
I'm doing fine khit mag-isa lang, I'm still hopeful that we will be able to follow Lito very soon.
Hope to chat with you sometime...regards to Irvin.
Wishing you all the best today and always.
Irmee Cansino - Castillo
Noel Jo Ann and Kids has sent you an ecard from
hi ate faye!!! ... howdy?...
wishing u all the best...take care always...c u na lng sa chat..
GOD Bless...we love you
Hello Ninang FAye!!!
wish you continuous blessings and happiness.
And most of all: a healthy baby soon.... :D
more birthdays to come...
love yah!
Hi Faye,
Happy happy birthday sister!
Hi Faye!
As usual, I just opened my email today after so many weeks. Belated Happy Birthday and God Bless!
Hope to see you when you come back again to Manila.
Hello faye,
belated happy birthday. Hope you had a fun birthday! God bless you. All the best to you and irvin.
Hi Faye,
It's your birthday today, isn't it? I wish you all the best my dear! Take care & God Bless!
Hi faye, happy birthday! Mwaah… Ano nilu2 mo? o llbas nlng kyo ni Irvin? Wish ko 4 u, sana maging successful operation mo kung ma22loy man. Ok, mag enjoy kyo ni Irvin ngaun, bday mo e. Mwaah… Ingat kyo lagi!
Tita Aba
Faye hapi bday! May u hv mre blessed n peaceful life. Luv u. T.Baby
Happy birthday to you! :)
Tita Baby
Happy birthday! With d grace of God, may u hav an abundance of all d good things specially good health nd happiness, I love u anak
Posted by
3:29:00 PM
Labels: events
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Edmour O. Vachon 87, of Leominster

LEOMINSTER: Edmour O. Vachon, 87, of Leominster, died Sunday, July 6, 2008 at the Keystone Center, Leominster.
He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Kathleen P. (Kennedy) Vachon, three sons; Kenneth F. Vachon, Dennis L. Vachon both of Leominster, Ronald E. Vachon of Gardner , three sisters; Teo McDonald of Fitchburg, Cecile Waskowicz of Florida and Lorraine Holland of Fitchburg. He also leaves 4 grandchildren.
Mr. Vachon was born in Fitchburg, November 27, 1920, a son of Joseph and Regina (Forest) Vachon and was a longtime Leominster resident. During WW II he served his country in the United States Navy.
For over 40 years Mr. Vachon and his family owned and operated the Grand View Golf Course in Leominster, which has recently been transformed to the Vachon Wildlife Sanctuary.
He attended the Holy Family of Nazareth Church in Leominster.
Funeral services and burial will be private. There are no calling hours.
The Louis M. Isabelle Funeral Home, 316 Clarendon Street, Fitchburg is assisting the family with arrangements.
The Louis M. Isabelle Funeral Home and
Sentinel and Enterprise (local newspaper).
Posted by
8:53:00 AM
Labels: family
Thursday, June 26, 2008
What your workspace says about you?
I got this from Caryl...
What Your Workspace Says About You |
![]() You are an organized and detail oriented person. You have your life in order. You are hardworking and driven. You have an excellent work ethic. You feel like you neglect your family and friends when you're working. You may work a bit too much. You don't switch careers often, and you intend to stay at your current job for a long time. At work, you tend to be an extrovert. You enjoy working with other people and drawing people into your work space. |
Posted by
12:45:00 PM
Labels: tags
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
a loud OUCH!
I started seeing an infertility doctor where it entails undergoing a series of tests. I had an x-ray called ”hysterogram” at the North Shore Hospital yesterday. I already had an idea of how it’s done even before going there as I was given this piece of paper with instructions and warning if you may call it as such. It was a short procedure… no longer than 5 minutes I think. All I can say is a loud OUCH! That hurt… a lot! Imagine feeling so much pain and they ask you to relax! Sigh! But I guess I really have to go through all these troubles if I want to have a baby…
Posted by
5:33:00 PM
Labels: baby
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
We went back to the “dealer” on 5/31 to do some cancellations but the Business Manager was in a meeting. It was “supposedly” rescheduled on 6/2. However, we were surprised to know that she was out on vacation for the whole week. And so we waited till the next Monday which was yesterday. Guess what? She was right there… a few feet away from us… but she didn’t entertain us at all. She asked the salesman (SM) to tell us to call a certain number (which they can’t even provide) for the cancellation. I then showed the contract to the SM where it specifically stated that the cancellation has to be done through the dealer. The SM had to go back to her again for instructions. To cut it short… he took the paperwork, signed my copy and we left.
I am just so pissed off with how this whole thing turned out. I feel like she wouldn’t entertain us anymore because the sale is already done! Where is the so-called customer service then?!
Now we’re really thinking of filing a complaint to the DCA!
Posted by
4:46:00 PM
Labels: rants
Monday, June 02, 2008
never-ending hassles...
Having bought this car seems like “it was never meant to be” from the start. I hate to think of it as some sort of “bad luck” but the troubles are just never-ending.
Being a 1st time buyer, not to mention that we didn’t have an ample time to review all the documents while in their premises, the Business Manager’s (BM) approach looked like it was mandatory for us to get all the extended warranty/add-ons for the car. I must admit that it was written in one of the papers that these are optional. I still believe though that it is the BM’s responsibility to specify that which she didn’t. And while it’s not going to change the monthly mortgaged amount, it would have still been better if these add-ons were applied to the full amount owed. The problem is that the salesman picked up the car the next day after we bought it to install some things and finish the waxing. IFC and I (on separate occasions), told him not to as we wanted to cancel everything. He clearly said it has nothing to do with it. It turned out that $6885 worth of optional items can no longer be cancelled as they are already set up in the car. The only consolation is that we can put that amount on top of the resale value in case we sell or trade it in. We will cancel the rest amounting to $4295 tonight. Bottom line, it’s like we bought 2 cars.
Then on Saturday, we parked the car at a Burger King so buy IFC’s house slippers at a store across the street. It didn’t even take us 10 minutes and IFC saw the car being towed. I wouldn’t believe him at 1st but he ran and knocked on the driver’s window. He said we’re illegally parked as he saw us walked the other direction. We were asked to pay $150… in cash. He showed no mercy at all and when I asked for a copy of the receipt, he said… “Then, give me your driver’s license. I will put tax on it so you have to give me $13 more.” Again, being our 1st time, we just gave in to it to end the conversation.
Call us stupid but I still feel that it’s simply like taking advantage of other people’s vulnerability. This whole ordeal became a big lesson for us… that we have to be more wary next time.
I still can’t get over it though! Arrgghh!!!
Posted by
3:53:00 PM
Labels: rants
Thursday, May 22, 2008
a co-worker's wedding!
We went to a co-worker’s wedding last Sunday. I’ve been so eager to witness a Catholic wedding here as I want to know if they also have the coin, veil, cord and candle ceremonies that we have in the Philippines…
1) Coin (or arrhae) signifies a groom’s promise to take care of his wife materially.
2) The Veil ceremony is being done by pinning it to the groom’s shoulder extended to cover the bride’s head and shoulder. This symbolizes the groom’s pledge of his strength and protection for his bride.
3) The Cord, in a form of number 8, is put over the veil. This represents unity and infinity.
4) Lastly, the Candle ceremony symbolizes 2 lives and 2 spirits are being joined together.
Anyway, they apparently don’t have these over here. While we didn’t understand the ceremony being in Korean, I was sure that it was very solemn and nice. The choir performed really well.
The reception was at Leonard’s which is very well known for weddings. It started with a cocktail which to me was like the main entrĂ©e already as there were so many variation of American and Korean food. I tried not to stuff myself so I could still enjoy the dinner… which was also good. The program went well. There was a lot of dancing. Alex professed his love to his bride and even said “saranghae” (meaning I love you) in the end. I can’t help not to giggle for having known what that word meant. I find that really sweet. Also, they (each) said something to their parents which made them very emotional.
Overall, we had fun!
Pictures here…
Posted by
4:10:00 PM
Labels: events
temporarily booked!
Airfare is very pricey nowadays due to the continuing increases of the fuel cost. I read an article last April saying they will charge $25 for the 2nd checked bag starting May 12th. Then, I saw another article yesterday… American Airlines (AA) will charge a $15 fee for the 1st checked bag starting June 15th. I even heard that other airlines are considering the same thing too.
Anyway, as I’ve mentioned here before, my brother Adoy is getting married this coming September. I’ve been constantly checking for online deals ever since then. The cheapest I got so far was $1168 including taxes. I called my travel agent earlier to inquire on the price and she gave me $1050 RT. She said she will book me temporarily and will just have to keep on re-booking until I confirm. I was also told that Korean Airlines usually has a promo from August 1st – November 30th. So... I'll have to wait and see...
Posted by
3:38:00 PM
Labels: etc.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
new "baby"
We've been wanting to buy a car for the longest time. The only thing holding us back is the fact that we think we don't really need it... public transportation is very accessible in NY anyway. But I've been going to the doctor these past few weeks and I have to shell out $32 (by taxi) every visit. And so it got us thinking that maybe it's time to have a car. We went to the dealer last Wednesday for some eye shopping and voila, we went home with a new car!
Pictures here...
Posted by
7:03:00 PM
Thursday, May 08, 2008
what a "hanap-buhay" life!
It’s been almost a week since my last post but believe it or not I kind of feel the same way up to now. Well not as bad as Friday but I still don’t feel good about my "hanap-buhay" lately. There are just so many things to be done. I really don’t mind that... it’s the inconsistencies which make me very exhausted. I feel so much pressure that I always go home with a headache since Monday. What a _ _ _ _ life!
Pat – Thanks for the red rose. It definitely put a smile on my face.
Gracita – Thanks for the tips girl! Jeez those were exactly what I’ve been doing and I must admit that’s the problem with me… I tend to eat more when I’m stressed out. Yaiks!
Weng – Thanks for the message! Mwah! I feel a little better. *wink* *wink*
Posted by
11:51:00 AM
Labels: rants
Friday, May 02, 2008
This is not the 1st time I’m doing this kind of post but what the heck… this is how I am feeling at this very moment!
- woozy
- irritated
- fed up
- bored to death
- exhausted
Posted by
3:35:00 PM
Labels: rants
Thursday, April 24, 2008
guilty as hell!
We went to Wendy’s for dinner last night and as we were eating, I noticed an old man who had just bought a coffee.
Faye : Look at the old man… he’s just having coffee. I wonder if he has some money to buy food.
IFC : Some old people are just like that like Tito Bading who enjoys drinking coffee in the afternoon.
Suddenly, the old man approached us…
OM : Do you know the way to Bridgeport?
IFC : Bridgeport, NY?
OM : Bridgeport, Connecticut (CT).
In my mind, I was already thinking of CT before the old man even said it. And since we don't know the way, all we could say was “no”. Then, he started asking other people but no one seems to be of help to him.
Faye : Why don’t we ask him if there’s anyone he’d like to call and we can let him use our phone?
IFC : Do you want to call someone? You can use our phone if you want?
OM : No. I just missed a road that’s why I got here.
IFC : Maybe there’s a map that you can buy at the gasoline station (which happened to be just beside Wendy’s).
And so the old man left and walked towards the gas station. Poor old man! He was walking back and forth asking different people for help but no one did. We decided to talk to him thinking maybe we can help. I was talking to Kuya Chu (on the phone) asking for the directions when we saw the old man walking the other way so we followed him. IFC was yelling at him but he didn’t seem to have heard it. He was also trying to cross but he can’t. That was the time I suspected that maybe he has dementia. I waved at him to come closer when he turned.
Faye : Do you have any children that we can call? Or a relative perhaps?
OM : No. no.
Faye : Where have you been? Where did you come from?
OM : Hungary.
Faye : No. I mean where were you supposed to go?
OM : I’m supposed to go to this garbage place in Hartford but I missed the road.
IFC : But you’re in NY!
Faye : Are you driving?
OM : Yes.
Faye : Are you sure?
OM : Yes. I have the key right here (showing the keys to us). I’ve been here in the United States for 36 years.
Faye : Where did you park your car?
OM : Somewhere here…
Faye : But this is not where we saw you earlier?
OM : Oh I forgot.
Faye : Come on… let us take you to where we saw you.
As we were walking back to Wendy’s,
OM : I just missed the road.
Faye : Do you want us to call the police for you?
OM : No. I’m fine. You’re so kind.
Then, I gave him the directions that Kuya Chu gave earlier and as we reached the parking lot at Wendy’s,
Faye : Is that your car?
OM : Yes that’s my car.
I checked the plate which shows CT. His car didn’t look really old. His windows were down. He also looked neat… with his hair polished and his polo tucked in.
IFC : Are you sure you can still drive? It’s getting dark?
OM : I’m fine. Thank you.
Faye : I don’t want to leave you like this. Are you sure you're going to be ok?
OM : Yes. Thank you. You’re so kind.
Faye : Drive safe ok?
OM : Yes (with a smile on his face).
Then, I saw a police car coming. I tried waving at them but I don't think they saw me until it was too late... the old man started pulling out of the parking. And we just looked at his car until it’s no longer in sight.
Upon reaching home, I felt so disturbed. I felt like crying. I felt like blaming myself for allowing him to do what he wanted to do. I felt so stupid for letting him go. I felt so stupid that I don’t even know how to call a police (I can’t call 911. It’s not an emergency. I just learned later on that the hotline # for the police is 311). I felt so guilty… in fact up to now I feel that way… thinking if he had made it or not. I kept asking myself “what if something happened to him?” I was right there but didn’t do anything. I was just like those people who were not of any help to him.
IFC said “Let’s just hope for the best. He seemed like he knows how to drive because he tried avoiding the car which honked at him.”
All I can do now is to keep on praying for him… wishing that he is safe. I hope he’s alright. I really do.
As for us, this was definitely a lesson learned…
Posted by
10:51:00 AM
Labels: etc.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thank Goodness!
I’m so happy IFC finally found a job. We don’t have the exact details (as to benefits and all) yet other than the “pay” but he is expected to start this coming Monday. Working hours are an hour longer than usual and he might also work some Saturdays. Still, it’s reasonable. And one thing I like the most, the office is located on the east side which means we can go to work together in the AM. :)
Posted by
5:03:00 PM
Labels: ifc
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Trip to Philadelphia, Delaware (DE), Baltimore, Washington DC and Virginia (VA)
We went to the cities/states mentioned above over the weekend. This was supposed to be a birthday (March 30th) gift for IFC but decided to postpone it for Kuya Lito’s visit to avail of the buy 2 get 1 free promo. I made the reservations online at where it only includes the bus fare and an overnight stay at a hotel. All entrance tickets and food will have to be extra. My only concern though was that Paradise Vacations is Chinese owned. I was really hoping that there will be some other non-Chinese or at least the tour guide will speak English as well… and we were glad he did. And while this is already the 2nd visit, I was still excited about it knowing IFC was with me. It was my 1st time at DE and Baltimore though.
Anyway, the call time was at 715AM on Saturday. We left Flushing 10-15 minutes late not to mention that we had to transfer to another bus in Chinatown and didn’t leave till 9AM.
1st stop was at Philadelphia where we saw the Independence Hall (previously known as the Pennsylvania State House) and the Liberty Bell. They consider this place as the birthplace of the US… where the Declaration of Independence was adopted and the Constitution of the US was debated, drafted and signed. I also learned that there were only 13 states in the beginning compared to the 50 states and 1 district now. We didn’t get to go in though as the line was very long.
Lunch was at King Buffet’s Chinese Restaurant in Delaware.
Then, we headed off to Baltimore. I was amazed with the many great views at the Harbor area. People were enjoying the nice sunny weather, dining outdoors and taking pictures at every angle of the place.
Next stop was at DC. We went to the American Museum of Natural History… which I think is similar to the one we went to at Central Park NYC. There were so many people. Tourists were everywhere. I’m sure you will also enjoy the old structures of the buildings there. It’s really a nice place to see especially for 1st timers. We also went to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial… who is known for his inspiring words to US citizens and where it signifies liberty; and US Capitol which serves as the “seat of government” for the US Congress. There were many more museums that we just passed by not having a lot of time to go to.
We stayed at the Comfort Inn in Herndon, VA for the night. I didn’t expect the hotel to be that nice. I mean I even brought towels, soap and shampoo just to make sure. If I remember it right, we had to use our own when we stayed at a hotel (which the name I can’t remember) in downtown DC back in 2004. Comfort Inn provided all these including hangers, hair dryer and a vault. The room was so neat and nice. They even had a complimentary breakfast.
Dinner was at McDonald’s. We also stopped by K-Mart and bought some things.
1st stop on Sunday was at the Lincoln Memorial. Abraham Lincoln is the 16th president of the US. This place basically “attracts anyone who seeks inspiration and hope”. Across was the Washington Monument which was built in honor of George Washington being the 1st president of the US and the one who led them to independence. 1/3 of the height of this monument has a different color compared to the other 2/3. The tour guide said something like they couldn’t complete it (for whatever reason I can’t recall) till 20 years later and they can’t anymore find the same kind of material they previously used. We also got to see the Korean War Veterans Memorial and Vietnam War Veterans Memorial. People sometimes think that Korean War was not as significant since it only lasted 3 years compared to the Vietnam War which went on for 16 years. Statistically speaking, 54,246 soldiers died within those 3 years… and 58,226 in 16 years.
We were taking pictures of the White House just outside its gates when a ranger approached us and said tickets are free for the day to enter the garden. It wasn’t part of the day’s activities but the tour guide was nice enough to have squeezed it in. We went back there before 1215PM and there we were… very close to the White House. It was right in front of us. What’s even more exciting were those “secret service agents” (with the “wires” on their ears) that I used to see only on TV. The garden was nice and the flowers were gorgeous. We also took pictures of the Department of Treasury which was in sight.
One thing that the “boys” enjoyed was the National Air and Space Museum. I wouldn’t talk much about it but you can explore their website in the link provided for more.
In between these historic sites hopping, we had lunch at China Garden in Arlington, VA. It was some sort of “ala-carte” where there were 10 of us in a table. We didn’t really enjoy the food. Let’s just say some of those served were “authentic” dishes. We also saw The Pentagon, headquarters for the US Department of Defense, from afar. Pictures were taken only while inside the bus.
We reached home at 8PM.
Overall… the tour was tiring but… fun! We got to see and learn new things. The tour guide was good… very hard working. And if you’re going to ask how the Chinese were in the bus, then that’s another story.
Please click here for the photos...
Posted by
12:36:00 PM
Labels: vacation
Friday, April 11, 2008
Days of fun with Kuya Lito & Ate Irmee!
Please click this for the photos.
You can also visit Ate Irmee's blog for the details. Sorry I'm still tired, thus, too lazy to blog! :)
Posted by
12:26:00 PM
Labels: family
Thursday, March 27, 2008
it's bothering me...
I see nothing but about “recession” almost every time I go online. Take for instance this single mom who used to be earning $70k a year but now have to go to a food bank to feed her 2 kids. I’m sure it’s not only in the US that this is happening. Manang Glo told me last night that pork in the Philippines is now P175 per kilo. And I also read online that they are facing rice shortage. Filipinos depend so much on rice. In fact, we eat rice 3x a day. IFC doesn’t have a job yet and as to when he can have one, nobody knows. I don’t know but I think I’m getting paranoid of things that are not even affecting me. Well at least not yet. In reality, the company I work for is very stable. I would say it has the resources it needs. We even have 4 new hires in the last 2 weeks. But you just never know…
Posted by
4:54:00 PM
Labels: rants
Thursday, March 20, 2008
some people are just plain RUDE!
Why do people have to be really mean at times?! I am so upset right now and I can't really get over it that I couldn’t help not to let it out. It is a human nature to do # 2… something that you have no control of… even if you’re at work… or wherever you may be. I was exactly in that situation when 3 lady visitors came in the bathroom and one started saying… “OMG this is embarrassing! This is really embarrassing! I think I might stay outside! No! No I’m fine! I’ll stay outside!” And take note... with a whiny voice! How rude! I didn’t know what to do. I felt awkward. I felt angry. I felt ashamed. Grrr!!!
Posted by
3:15:00 PM
Labels: rants
Monday, March 17, 2008
Adoy to tie the knot!
My brother is getting married on September. I think I can now talk about this assuming most of the family has already been told and that it was long before announced in his girlfriend’s friendster page. Mama wants me to be there… not that I don’t want to but I just went home for a visit 3 months ago. Airfare is definitely not cheap aside from the money I would need during my stay there. IFC said he doesn’t need to go (which I am not agreeable to). I haven’t decided yet though. I mean I haven't even applied for a travel parole so... we'll see...
Posted by
2:42:00 PM
Labels: family
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
crazy thought!
I phoned Nanay (my grandma) last night and as usual she was crying. She was saying she’s getting older and weaker as days pass by. She said she was scolded by Tita Aba that she only said… “That’s how it is!” when I asked her why. We went on with our conversation and she mentioned that 2 of her cousins died just recently and that they (including her), are going “there” one by one. Then I said… “That’s why you were scolded!” She even told me she had the clothes I bought her washed and ironed and that don’t even bother to buy her anything else… that will already do for her. We went on and on and on till we said our goodbyes.
Then, I decided to call Tita Aba and during the course of our conversation, she also mentioned about the “clothes” that Nanay was talking about. I misunderstood it! Nanay was referring to the dress that I bought her for our wedding. And apparently, that has a connection to her cousins’ passing.
It was a long night for me yesterday. I wasn’t able to sleep right away. I know she is ok and in good health. I know being emotional is just part of getting old. I know I could still be with her the next time I go home. Meantime, I will just call her more often so she won’t feel sad…
Posted by
10:20:00 AM
Labels: family
Monday, March 10, 2008
keeping my fingers crossed...
I’m planning to take a few days off for Kuya Lito and Ate Irmee’s visit. It didn’t hit me though until yesterday that the other division will have their audit soon. I asked my co-worker this AM and he said he’s not sure when it’s going to be as they keep on changing the dates. I hope it won’t be in time that they are here. I actually have nothing to do with that audit. It’s just that I know my co-worker will be really busy to be doing my work while I’m away. :)
Posted by
5:46:00 PM
Labels: etc.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
under recession?!
I wonder what’s happening to the economy right now. My sister Aou lost her job 2 weeks ago after the company was sold and the new owner decided to close the branch in the Philippines. It was only announced 5 days before they said they were closing. Worst is… their separation pay hasn’t been given up to now and the company is planning to file for bankruptcy. Aou was able to find another job in just a week but decided to quit after only 3 days. She said she applied for an administrative assistant position but when she actually reported for work, it seemed like she has more responsibilities than expected. It looked like she was also the customer service assistant, accounting assistant and receptionist… all at the same time. I hope she finds a good one soon.
IFC, on the other hand, still hasn’t found a job yet. He’s really bored now. I told him to set up a time table that in the event that he can’t find anything, say in 2 months, just enroll in a healthcare related course. He agreed though he doesn’t know yet which course to take. I think that’s really one issue when migrating abroad. You just can’t expect to stay in your field. Most of the time, you would have to consider shifting to another career just so you can move on.
Posted by
11:20:00 AM
Labels: rants
Friday, February 29, 2008
Tag from Pat!
Rule #1 Copy all the links below and replace a single link under the appropriate alphabet. If your domain name, or even the title of your blog, starts with an ” A,” you’d replace the link under that alphabet and put the replaced link at the bottom. Also, don’t forget to credit the tagger, or where you got the list from, at the end of the list with a full URL of the post so that a pingback gets generated.
because life is fun
Replaced Link:
Previous Tagger:
Rule #2 You now have to “tag” at least five people and encourage them to participate so that this thing spreads like a virus. Remember, though, that not everyone’s into these kinds of things, so don’t be upset if they don’t participate. Just simply replace your tag. Remember to tag blogs only and no pornographic ones as we do want to keep the integrity as a blogging community. TIP: Tag your frequent EntreCard droppers via its messaging system.
I am tagging you!
Posted by
12:00:00 PM
Labels: tags
Awards from Issa!
Thanks, Issa for these awards!
Posted by
11:48:00 AM
Labels: tags
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Family visit!
Ate Irmee, IFC’s sister-in-law, is scheduled for a business trip in the US (Ate Irms, I already spilled the beans! I hope it's ok! Hehe!). She’ll go directly to Texas and will be arriving on March 13th. Then, she will go to NY on the 31st but we won’t be seeing her till April 5th... the date she expects to finish “work”.
Kuya Lito (IFC’s brother), on the other hand, is migrating to Canada soon… till an idea of visiting us here before flying to Canada came to mind. He was at the US Embassy last night for an interview and luckily, he got approved!
Therefore, we’ll be seeing the couple early April. I’m just so excited! It’s really nice knowing we’ll have some “family” coming. Believe it or not but IFC and I are already planning where to take them as early as now! :)
Posted by
2:33:00 PM
Labels: family
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
awards tag!
I got this award from Caryl...
and these too...
Thanks, BFF! :)
I'm now passing it on to Gracita, Abby, Pao, Ate Irmee, Jane, Litzie and Marj.
Posted by
9:03:00 AM
Labels: tags
Monday, February 18, 2008
saturday night!
IFC and I met with a childhood friend of mine for dinner on Saturday. His wife and kids were there too. We went to Udon, a Japanese restaurant, at the corner of Union St. and Northern Blvd. in Flushing. Then, they invited us over to their apartment for dessert. We were literally just talking at the dining table the whole time, enjoying coffee and salad. Suddenly, I asked for the time… not realizing it was already 405am. His wife even cooked breakfast before they took us home 2 hours later.
To Glen and Hazzel, thanks for your hospitality! It was really nice seeing you again and meeting your beautiful children.
Posted by
11:58:00 AM
Labels: friends
Friday, February 15, 2008
While any day can be a celebration of love, I would still say Valentine’s Day is special. This is the day that people express their affection more... they’re sweeter... and even more thoughtful.
I kind of felt bad though when I picked the card for IFC. It was literally like picking the one where my eyes 1st laid on. We always talk on the phone and I just couldn’t go to the store without him knowing it so I got the card when I went to pick up my prescription at CVS on Wednesday. The wordings are really nice but the card’s color is a little “pinkish”. But what the hey… red is the color for Valentine’s! :)
IFC gave me a box of Ferrero Rocher and a card as well. I found them on top of my pocket book when I got out of the shower yesterday. How sweet huh! Well, I’m one lucky woman! I just couldn’t ask for anything more…
Anyway, we went to Todai, a Japanese buffet restaurant, for dinner last night. Both IFC and I don’t eat sushi but we definitely like hibachi, tempura, teriyaki and so many others. They have a wide selection of food… great tasting food! Too bad IFC didn’t like the “miso” soup and the green tea ice cream (which I had 5 scoops). The service was outstanding as well. The staff was courteous and checks on their customers from time to time. It was our 1st time there and we will surely go back.
We forgot to bring a camera so I got these pictures from the web…

Posted by
11:08:00 AM
Labels: events
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
get to know me more tag!
Grabbed this from Litzie...
1. Are you in a complicated love situation? NO.
2. Do you hate more than 3 people? I don’t hate anyone right now… sort of.
3. The last thing you drank? Water
4. Favorite chocolate bar? Toblerone
5. How many pairs of shoes do you own? More than 10 I think.
6. Favorite genre of music? RnB
7. Do you like beer? NO.
8. What are your favorite color(s)? White
9. Is anyone in love with you? IFC
10. Pepsi or Sprite? Sprite
11. How many video games do you own? None.
12. Does look matters? I think so… hygiene wise.
13. Are you too forgiving? Not really.
14. Do you own a gun? NO.
15. What did you do last night? I watched American Idol.
16. Nicknames? Pepay, Fayeng, Fayee, Pipay Popam
17. Are you thinking about somebody right now? Yes.
18. Are you happy with your life right now? Yes… can’t complain.
19. Do you like your hair? Yes and No.
20. Does anyone like you? Maybe.
21. Last thing you read? Blogs
22.Are you afraid of the dark? Kind of…
23.Have you ever stripped? Have I?
24. Can you cook? Yes.
25.Money or Love? Both
26. Do you enjoy scary movies? No but I still watch it sometimes.
27.Marriage Or Live In? Marriage
28.When was the last time you said “i love you”? A few minutes ago…
Feel free to snag. :)
Posted by
1:30:00 PM
Labels: tags
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The White Rose Award!
Thanks to Pat for this! I appreciate it! :)
What can I say about white roses? I think anything white signifies only one thing… purity. It’s a great indication of one’s sincerity and good intentions.
Posted by
5:31:00 PM
Labels: tags
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
title change...
I have changed the title of my blog. Thanks to Abby for the idea! This was how she referred to my blog from the start and I just find it more personal so I'm stealing it (if that's alright with Abby?!).
Posted by
10:58:00 AM
Labels: etc.
Monday, February 04, 2008
The GIANTS won!
NY Giants... CHAMPIONS of the XLII Super Bowl!!!
I never enjoyed watching sports till last night. It was breathtaking! The "Giants" fought till the end. I still couldn't believe it! At first, I was even saying I would bet for the Patriots who were unbeaten for the last 18 playoffs. I know it's a shame but in fairness, they are really good in football so I thought the "Giants" couldn't really win. But I was wrong... the "Giants" proved it and made all New Yorkers happy!
Posted by
9:57:00 AM
Labels: etc.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
8 things I am grateful for...
a tag from Caryl...
1. good health
2. a loving and caring husband
3. a family who stays together
4. work
5. vacation in “Pinas”
6. thoughtful friends
7. having the “means” to help others
8. being blessed with so many more
Posted by
10:24:00 AM
Labels: tags
Christmas Tag!
Somehow I’m having a problem copying and pasting the original post of Caryl. I don’t want to re-type the whole thing so I’ll just copy Caryl’s personal definition of Christmas.
Make a paragraph or two regarding your personal meaning of Christmas below the paragraph of the one who tagged you and you may put your name at the end of the paragraph linking back to your blog or right to the post of this particular tag. Then you tag as many as you can.
Christmas is annual festive that celebrates the birth of Christ with the tradition of gift giving and celebrating the day with the whole family. - A Mother’s Horizon
It is the season of giving, commemorating Jesus’ birth and the best time for family and friends to get together. - It’s All About Me!
Posted by
10:14:00 AM
Labels: tags
"Ninang" tag!
... and another one!
This meme was created to remind us “Ninongs” and “Ninangs” the number of our godchildren and our responsibility towards them as they grow and mature as better Christians. Here are the rules:
• List all the names of your godchildren
• Tag at least 5 bloggers
• Update the Tag Train
The following are the ones that I can remember:
Janice’s, Lerma’s and Lyn’s daughters (sorry I can’t remember their names)
The Tag Train Started Here - Bluepanjeet - Joy - Scarty - Yen - Peachy – Abie - Kitts – Irmee - Faye - "You" {you put your link here}
Posted by
10:05:00 AM
Labels: tags
Tag for New Year!
another one from Ate Irmee...
Here’s the rule: Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all.
1. What color do you like most? White
2. If you have the chance, what would you probably say to your beloved one? I Love you
3. Where is the place that you want to go the most? Europe
4. Which part of you that you hate the most? My tummy
5. When you encounter a sad moment, what would you do? Eat
6. What are you afraid to lose the most? Family
7. If you win $1 million, what would you do? Buy a house, invest, and share some of it to my family
8. What do you loved the most last year (2007)? “Pinas” vacation
9. List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you. sweet, creative and thoughtful
10. What is your new yrs resolution for your behalf? To be fit physically
11. Till now, what is the moment that you regret the most? Been in the US for almost 6 years and I haven’t pursued getting a CPA license.
12. Which type of person do you hate the most? Phony
13. What is your ambition? Travel
14. If you had one wish what would you wish for? Baby
15. How did you celebrate new year? We went to Tita Gie’s house.
16. It is already 2008, do you have a new year’s resolution? Save more. And I want to look more presentable by making sure that I always fix my hair and put a little make up.
17. What do you look forward to in 2008? “GC”
18. What is the only thing you've done in 2007 that you wish won't happen again on 2008? Shopped too much
19. Describe year 2007 in one word. Content
20. What is one thing/gadget you can’t live without? Computer
I can’t think of a question so I just answered Ate Irmee’s # 20…
Posted by
9:43:00 AM
Labels: tags
Name Tag
This one is from Ate Irmee!
F : People wild and crazy adore you
A : Gorgeous
Y : Loved by everyone
E : deeply in love with his/her gf/bf
What a great description of my name huh! :)
Name Meaning Here:
A: Gorgeous
B: Loves people
C: Really easy to fall in love with
D: Is great in bed
E: deeply in love with his/her gf/bf
F: People wild and crazy adore you
G: Never let people tell you what to do
H:Freakin’ beautiful eyes
I: Loves to laugh
J: Makes people laugh
K: Really silly
M: Makes dating fun
N: Sexy
O: Has one of the best personalities ever
P: Popular with all types of people
Q: A hypocrite
R: Good bf/gf
S: Lives life for fun
T: Great kisser
U: Gets blamed for everything
V: Not judgmental
W: Very broad minded
X: Never let people tell you what to do
Y: Loved by everyone
Z: Lives life for fun
Posted by
9:41:00 AM
Labels: tags
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
airline experience!
I would like to share with you our airline experience/s but I’m going to make this some sort of a “blind item”…
Our tickets were purchased 8 months prior to the scheduled departure just so we could avail of the (I thought cheapER) price. This airline is cheaper by $360 per person compared to (my “fave”) Korean Airlines. We thought that this is kind of a significant amount to sacrifice. $360 x 2 for both me and IFC can just be added to our pocket money.
The question is “what kind of service did we really get?” Let me just enumerate some specific instances…
1. I-94 is usually surrendered whenever you leave the US. The attendant (upon check in) just said “Whatever you want! I’ll take it it’s up to you!” It’s not that I’m expecting everyone to know everything but I think in this case, he should not to mention that he also asked someone else. And guess what? We were questioned by the immigration officer at the port of entry why we still have it.
2. No english newspaper
3. The plane had an unpleasant smell.
4. No toothbrush and toothpaste in the lavatories
5. All flights that we took had some delays considering that the weather was in good condition.
6. IFC was coughing really bad during the flight back. I asked for a bottled water but the stewardess said they don’t have any. I told her “My husband is coughing… are you expecting us to keep asking you for a cup of water?” Her reply? “Next time you can just bring an empty bottle of water.” Great! How can they have no bottled water? They have 1st class passengers. I would have been pleased had she told me I’ll have to pay for it. Not only that! I saw her gave one to a Chinese in the same row we were seated.
7. They only offered water for all those times that they were not serving meals. I’ve been to other airlines which offered nuts or even bananas at those instances.
8. It was also the 1st time for me to have had something like this for breakfast on a flight. And since IFC was coughing, his throat was dry that he didn’t want to have that. I requested for noodles. That same stewardess in #6 said “they’re already given out”. 2things… 1) I saw her gave a cup to a Chinese seated behind the person I mentioned in #6; and 2) I saw one box under a seat near the lavatory with 1 cup still there. And these happened after I asked. What the hell! Argh!
Hmmm… what else? Well, these are all I could think of so far. Overall, I’ll give them a 2 out of 10 and that 2 points is only because they’re price was cheaper. Hmp!
Posted by
3:42:00 PM
Labels: rants
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
recollection of sorts
I know this is long overdue... and please, bear with me if this is some sort of jumping from one topic to another. Another post will be made for our “airline experience”.
Anyway, we had a big storm (as mentioned in an earlier post) the day before our flight. We were so worried that we might have some delays or worst, cancellations. Thank goodness the sun came out! :)
The plane landed around 1020AM and we were cleared at the immigration in just half an hour. It felt good being “home” again. And you can definitely tell as it was very hot that we were sweating like crazy. IFC started sniffing and sneezing (allergic rhinitis which he doesn’t have here) as soon as we got out of the airport. His parents and sister was waving… his mom crying with joy as they approached us. But my family was no where in sight and my brother Adoy wasn’t picking up his phone when I called. I just started feeling annoyed! It wasn’t that long and I saw Papa and Mama walking towards us. I was just happy to see them. We had a quick stop at Duty Free and bought some chocolates, cookies, cigar and liquor.
Lunch was at Seaside, Mall of Asia. What a nice way to start our vacation! Different kinds of grilled seafood in front of us! Oh I missed that tuna belly! It was just full of fun… everyone was all smiles. We were so loud for all you know it! One funny thing was we didn’t have the appetite to eat because of the hot weather! But hey, sweating like a dog is really an effective way to lose weight! I mean we’ve eaten salad for almost 3 months but I don’t remember ever dropping the pounds. So much about that… I’m also glad they liked our “pasalubongs”. And if ever you’re wondering, I didn’t have any jetlag but not with IFC! He was actually asleep during the day and awake at night for the 1st 2 days at least.
IFC and I were mostly at our respective parents’ houses. We separated upon arrival which was earlier agreed on the fact that our vacation was only for 2 weeks.
I had my 1st taste of Jollibee when Daighne and I went to see Tita Aba in Marikina the next day. Hmmm… if only I could eat everything at once! :) I also got a Starbucks 2008 planner without having to complete the stickers required. Thanks to my cousin Gail!
Nanay stayed with me in San Andres till Christmas. IFC even made me feel guilty saying I asked Nanay to stay and yet I’m always out! I think Nanay was ok. I just made sure I was home come night time. Of course I didn’t forget to visit Tatay at the cemetery. IFC and I were off to Laur on 12/21 which happened to be Tatay’s 10th death anniversary. Tito Erik cooked grilled bangus and “tiim” as requested by IFC.
I did see some of IFC’s friends/former officemates from CBC Paranaque. We also visited “Ninong” Anson and “Ninang” Nene at their shop who in turn invited us for dinner that same day at Saisaki Restaurant in Alabang Town Center.
Tita Necie has prepared “merienda” for us (different kinds of “kakanin”! Oh I love that embutido with “pandesal”) when we paid a visit. She also asked Kuya Louie to get us some sweet delicacies.
It was also nice to have spent time with my friends from Castrol.
1st round: Lunch at Max’s on 12/20 with Mars, Ernie, Ruby, Fhatty and Dudes. Vel and Jing later joined us.
2nd round: Lunch at Italianni’s on 12/22. Vel, Joey (thanks for arranging that!), Daisy (with her son Sean), Jing, Noel, and Dudes (with hubby Chris and son Bo) were all there. To Daisy and Dudes… I really enjoyed your kids! They are so cute!
3rd round: Lunch at BP office on 12/27. Thanks guys for the promo items…Ruby for the planner, Fhat for the vintage shirts and Badoodles for the mugs. Yey! :)
We also had a fun day at EK! It was a perfect time of bonding with our siblings. I may have not enjoyed the rides (since I can’t anyway) but I had fun taking pictures.
Ate Irmee even suggested that we go to Sonya’s Garden but believe it or not, it rained during midday… the exact time that we originally planned on going. We had lunch at Barrio Fiesta instead.
Christmas celebration was great too! I was at Pilar for lunch. Mommy’s barbeque is really the best! IFC was counting how many sticks I had. Dinner was at San Andres. It was some sort of Christmas cum Reunion celebration. Many relatives came but it could have been better if everyone made it.
There were actually so many things that we wanted to do or could have done if not only for that short time that we had. It was literally like meeting different groups of people almost everyday. The kids… Miggy, Daighne, Kyle and my cousins were just all fun to be with! I exceedingly enjoyed the company of our family… which also left me thinking why we haven’t done these things before! Anyhow, we still tried our best and made the most of our trip. I guess it’s going to be another 2 years (minimum) for us to go back there…
Posted by
3:10:00 PM
Labels: happy moments
Friday, January 18, 2008
Give me the enthusiasm to blog! Please!!! Please!!! Please!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
Posted by
10:39:00 AM
Labels: rants
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
"Pinas" adventures!
Christmas in Pilar
Family Reunion
happy times with family & friends
@ Tito Paqui's house
The Fort
Story to follow...
Posted by
11:37:00 AM
Labels: happy moments