Tuesday, August 05, 2008

out-patient surgery

Remember that hysterogram I had on June?! Well it turned out that my left fallopian tube is blocked (based on the pictures from the x-ray). My doctor said he doesn’t know why so he needs to perform a laparoscopy. And for him to unblock the tube, he needs to do a hysteroscopy as well.

The doctor said it’s not really a problem since the right tube is open. The chances of getting pregnant are lower though. The thing is… if I ovulate on my bad side, then I’ll never get pregnant!

Anyway, I’m having the surgery this Thursday… must admit I’m kind of scared!


Anonymous said...

stay positive, im sure everything will turn out well!

Faye said...

thanks, abby! not that i'm making it a big deal but... i never had a surgery before... minor man o hindi. :)