Tuesday, March 08, 2005

one messy day


It was so hard for me to get up this morning. It felt like it was so good to stay in bed for a little bit more but I had to go to work.

There was nothing different for the day at work. I did the same thing though I was kind of busy earlier. But still, I managed to finish, well almost, the enhancements that I’m doing for my personal blog. I would rather do it at work during lunch break since the computer is a lot faster and I can accomplish a lot of things in a short time.

I didn’t have appetite for lunch today. I don’t know why. I usually take lunch at 1pm since work starts at 9am. I didn’t eat until almost 3:30pm. I think that was also like around 1pm when it started snowing. It was pretty bad, pouring so much that it accumulated to 5 inches or more I guess. The owner of the company wasn’t around that time. We were told to leave by 5pm. I had a ride with a co-worker and traffic wasn’t that bad until the time I took the city bus. There were 2 of them but both were packed. The 1st one didn’t stop and it was a good thing, there was someone getting off from the bus behind it so I managed to get on. All cars were really moving slow. It was so windy and freezing.

I had dinner and rested for an hour before exercising. I just feel bad I can’t do it continuously up to now. I had to pause once in a while. It’s really tiring. Oh well! Anyway, I’m still trying my best.

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