Friday, January 13, 2006


Many say married life is no fairy tale. It’s not that you won’t be happy but it’s not also easier than you think…especially when a couple is just starting.

Of course, I was the happiest when I learned of Irvin’s visa approval. On the other hand, worries started coming in and much worse, it’s stressing me out so much. I have been on the lookout for an apartment even before his interview. There are actually a lot to choose from. The thing is it’s either it’s way out of the budget or if it’s not, I don’t like the area. And… we will need so many things too to furnish the apartment.

I feel bad for Irvin though as I get easily annoyed these days. But despite all these pressures, my hopes are still high. I’ll be ok as long as I know he is willing to take all the risks with me. And I’m sure God will guide us all the way…giving us the strength we need to go through anything.

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