Monday, May 23, 2005

the house where i grew up...


I was on the phone last night talking to my grandmother. I really feel bad for her. She’s currently living with my father’s youngest brother, his wife and kids. My uncle’s family made a big decision however to move out of town which is 3-4 hours away from where they’re at right now. I haven’t actually talked to my uncle but whatever reasons they have, let’s just leave it as it’s what they think is best for the family. They will now leave the rented apartment for good. With this, my grandma has no choice but to move to Manila. She can’t definitely stay alone in our house in another town 45 minutes away from the apartment. They have lived in that apartment for a very long time now. They’ve been there even before I was born. My grandma was expressing her sadness to leave that house full of memories especially that of my grandpa who passed away in 1997. I can feel her pain. And like her, I was also saddened with the news. I was really surprised. I’m just worried that she’ll be stuck at home in Manila since she’s not familiar with the place. She couldn’t go anywhere else. In the province, she goes to the cemetery to visit my grandpa at least every week. She can go to the church alone. She can do grocery shopping alone too. More importantly, she knows the people around her…the neighbors. Now none of these will be possible for her anymore. Our province is 3-4 hours away from Manila. She could only get there if someone will actually take her. I just told her to try to keep herself busy. Do some chores if she can so she won’t get bored. Maybe go out at times and walk around the block. I made a promise that I’ll just call her often. If I’m only staying there right now, I’ll definitely ask her to live with me. It’ll be my pleasure to take care of her just like how she took care of me when I was little.

Also, I mentioned this to my childhood friend Aileen and she herself was surprised. She even asked if we had considered getting someone who can accompany my grandma in the apartment. That’s possible but I don’t think they will even entertain that idea. I was in that house from four months old till the age of 12. And even I moved to Manila after graduating elementary, I still go there for a visit at least twice a year until I left for the States.

Again, this is one change in our lives that we have to accept.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

be happy, Malu!


I’ve posted something for Malu when she had her operation earlier this month. She’s now in Canada for good unless she’ll have a really bad homesickness. Her husband is still in the Philippines and no certainty yet when he will come to join her. I phoned her last Saturday at past 12am. Malu hasn’t changed. She’s still the soft spoken person that I’ve always known. I can recall when I used to work with her how good a mentor she has always been. And for the many years that I have not had the chance to talk to her, she’s still that person who’s full of advises and encouraging words. I had fun especially when we were talking about the memories of the past and the people we both know. We didn’t talk that much as her husband was on the other line. It was only about 45 minutes I guess. Well, not long enough. I’ll call her again anyway.

Malu sent me this email through the bpocp yahoogroup:

Thanks for your call Faye. You just don't know how
much it meant to me. Being so far away from family and
friends is indeed lonely and we do need a good support
group to keep our sanity.

Thanks for sharing your wedding plans. All the very
best to you and Irvin as you embark on this marital
journey. Just remember to always put the Lord as the
ONLY 3rd party in your marriage. He should be the
Center of your lives.

Tita Malu

Thursday, May 12, 2005

how am i feeling today?


In simple terms...

- Cranky
- Anxious
- Despondent
- Droopy
- Bored


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

what's new?


Nothing special happened on the weekend. I just met a friend on Saturday and practically just stayed home on Sunday.

It’s been busy these days at work especially that an officemate was off yesterday and today. I have been doing some of his job. It was hard at first and I had to check the previous ones he made just to make sure what I'm doing is correct. Then, it was alright.

Also, I have started the exercise program again. It’s only been 2 days though. I just hope I could stay or should I say I could finish the program. I want to have significant results. I’m going home for a visit in a few months.

Happy Birthday Marivel & Rhiza!


It’s my college friend Rhiza’s birthday! I haven’t talked to her in a long time now. But I’m sure she’s happy with her family. The last time I heard about her was when she gave birth to her second child.

Happy Birthday, Rhiz! All the best!

Also, it was Marivel’s birthday last May 7th. I didn’t forget to greet her but I did forget to post in my blog. Anyway, I know she had a happy one.

Belated Happy Birthday, Vel! Wishing you more healthy years to come!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005



What will you do if you know someone needs help and you can’t do anything? Doesn’t it break your heart? Aren’t you confused? What if you feel that the person whom you know you can count on can’t really understand you? Do you have any idea how you will react if you’re caught in between? What if someone who already expressed his intent to help you has suddenly changed his mind? Do you even know who to turn to?

These are the many questions running through my mind right now. I need answers but I don’t know where to find them. I don’t know…

Monday, May 02, 2005



I feel so restless considering that I didn’t do much over the weekend. I just did my laundry on Saturday and went to church on Sunday! Sometimes I’m thinking maybe I need a diversion. It’s always the same routine everyday and I’m getting sick and tired of it. And I have cancelled the only outlet that I have…my gym membership. Now what?! I told myself I have to discipline myself by exercising at home. But am I doing it? No! I also promised myself to eat less so I won’t gain weight. Am I doing it? No! Oh my!