
I went to Manhattan this morning to meet Ms. Fina, my Mama’s client/friend. We agreed to meet at St. Patrick’s Cathedral near Rockefeller Center. I got there at exactly 10:56 am and as usual, a lot of people were there considering it was raining. I went around every small chapel inside the Cathedral and took pictures since they weren’t there yet. There were some people being interviewed on camera outside. Yes, even if it was raining. Well, drizzling. Then, someone approached me asking if I have time. She just want to ask me what’s my stand regarding the Pope’s condition. I said yes of course. Anyway, here’s how it went:
She: What can you say about the Pope’s condition right now?
Me: I should say it’s really saddening.
She: Are you praying for the Pope’s recovery or you’re praying for him to be at peace?
Me: I’m actually praying for him to get well. I mean it may sound unfair to him considering his health condition right now but I do believe he still wants to be of service to the church.
She: What can you say about his last message to the people thanking everyone for their prayers?
Me: I think he’s fighting. He himself wants to recover. He knows how he’s loved by many and that a lot of Catholics support him.
She: There’s this news about replacing him just in case he’ll be in coma. Do you think it’s ok to replace him or he should stay as the Pope?
Me: He’s not supposed to be replaced by anyone else unless he dies. That is the law of the Catholic Church as far as I know. I even heard about this plan that they will set up like a retirement age for Popes…retire when they reach the age of 80. If this will push through, then, what difference will they make compared to priests?
She: Anything else that you’d like to say?
Me: Most people keep their hopes high. I still believe he’ll make it! Well, I still hope that he’ll get better.
That’s about it! She said thank you and she asked for my complete name, age, profession and where I am from.
Then I got a call from the person I was supposed to meet at almost noon. We had some picture taking and attended the noon anticipated mass. We had lunch at Applebee’s.

It was around 3:16 pm when we learned that Pope John Paul II died. It was definitely heart-breaking for most Catholics. I suddenly remembered the first and last time that I saw him. It was during the World Youth Day in the Philippines. It was in 1995 if I’m not mistaken. I was one of the volunteers. I really cried when I saw him so close. There were goose bumps all over me. I just can’t explain how I was feeling then. I just believed that I’m right in front of the greatest among the religious. He has done so many great things for the Church. I think it’s already God’s will and we just have to accept it. But I know one thing is for sure…He will remain in our hearts forever.

We were still planning to take Ms. Fina around but it was really raining hard plus the fact that it was also windy. She was the one who said let’s just go home in which we did.